Sunday, March 6, 2011

Does anybody else feel like lately it's been amateur hour?

The idea that Obama's administration has no clue, or rather, has no care about what's been going on in the Middle East has been circulating for some time now. In particular the accusation has been all over the blogosphere today. The "Pantano for Congress" facebook page posted an article from the NY Daily News claiming this, (click here for the story)and I can't say as I disagree. Pictures of the President golfing while places all over that region of the world are in turmoil hardly seem professional.

For the record, I don't consider myself educated enough to have a strong stance on everything that has been going on of late over there. I'm no Gaddafi fan, but I'm also no expert in foreign relations. The same could be said for Egypt. Yet the rest of the world, and Americans as well for that matter, need to sign, some reassurance, that the current administration has the confidence and the resolve to take some sort of stand as all this happens.

Sometimes no decision is worse than bad decision. I am not in favor in any type of US intervention in Libya. However, as the newest reports from Reuters and the Wall Street Journal come out, it looks that our president is dodging the issues. In Libya no revolution looks to be taking place. It looks to be Civil War. For something that is that long and drawn out, the world needs to know where we as a country stand. To do otherwise looks like we simply don't know what to do or say. Frankly, it looks like amateur hour.

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