Saturday, July 24, 2010

When JoBi calls Republicans "out of step," does he really mean to tell the American people that WE are out of step?

(Click on title for the story at

Yesterday JoBi made a high dollar speech here in North Carolina, right over at UNC Chapel Hill, or, as my girlfriend's father likes to call it; Berkley East. The essence of his speech was to reassure his Democrat followers that the Dems have everything under control, that November is nothing to worry about for the left, and that Republicans are "out of step." What were his words really saying though? Was their purpose to make the Dems at his rally feel better? Was their purpose to make a statement against all the elected Republicans in the House or the Senate? While I'm sure their are pieces of truth in both of these first two options, I am convinced his words had a much darker and menacing undertone to the people of the United States..."Remember your place...don't get out of line..."

With pretty much all polls predicting that the Republicans will make some significant gains in November, it's hard to tell what's been going on in JoBi's head of late. He has been claiming that the Dems are in absolutely no trouble in the fall. Of course Joe making questionable statements is hardly a new phenomenon. Make no mistake, I am leery of getting overconfident about November, and feel it would be a huge mistake for the GOP and conservative base to underestimate the left, (as I pointed out in my previous post.) Yet to say that the Dems are going to win huge...Now Joe, that just sounds silly. On top of that, when the every poll shows that the vast majority of the American people disapprove of the job the current administration is doing, including the spending, the handling of the oil spill, the war in Afghanistan, it's hard to think that the term "out of step" would be used for any party BUT the Democrats.

JoBi said yesterday at Chapel Hill, "They want us to throw on the brakes, but what they really want us to do is throw us in reverse. As the President said, they drove the car in the bridge."

Now wait a second Joe. This is a Republic. We elect men and women to represent us in Washington. Granted, currently the Democrats hold the majority. Yet, maybe instead of turning a blind eye to the possibility of a major left-wing loss in November, you could take note of what we are saying. Biden's quote about the car gives the American citizen a glimpes into the mind of a liberal. He's not speaking about elected GOP officials. He's talking about anyone who disagrees with him, even if those who do outnumber him. He's directly telling us; "WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU. REMEMBER YOUR PLACE. DO AS WE SAY."

The current administration has always been socialists as far as I'm concerned. Yet know they are truly starting to throw in some elements of fascism. Not only that, but they don't even seem to be competent at it. They seem to be in the constant state of being frighteningly out of touch. Or are they out of touch at all? Do they simply not care what we, the American people, have to say?

Ignoring facts and claiming ludicrous things, having the media in the tank for your agenda, and blatantly telling the citizens of a country to behave, or that they are "out of step" have all the qualities of a dictatorship or a despot. Always remember, words have meaning - and JoBi's latest words have given this American a very clear understanding of his meaning.

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