Sunday, July 25, 2010

Look out for evil genies

Look out for those evil genies. If you don't, a female one might possess you. If that happens your father may chain you up in the basement for years on end, keep you malnourished, and let you rot in your own filth...if your father practices Islam that is. Otherwise you'll probably be taken to a doctor, and, who knows, the doctor might actually diagnose you with something other than being possessed by an evil genie.

I feel bad for the young man chained up in his basement by his father, but this should goes to show how backwards the religion of islam is keeping the muslim world. I can't even imagine what the liberal media would do, not to mention the airheads in Hollywood, if a story came out about some crazy Pentecostals or backwoods snake-handlers doing something like this. I'm sure the rants about Christianity or extreme "right wingers" would run a muck.

So why is it that progressives and liberals will do almost anything to defend a set of beliefs and nations that condone barbaric behavior such as this? Why do movies constantly come out which subtly, and often times not so subtly, mock Christianity? Why is their a steady stream of movies that come out, which defend those who would see us perish? Why am I called a redneck if I go to church, or even simply practice Christian values, yet a man straight out of the fifteenth century is ignored by the left?

For the most part, those who practice Judeo Christian principles love this country. Those who practice Islam, secular humanism, new age jargon, or any other watery mystic drivel, only wish to see our country fail. Why wish to see our country succeed when your ultimate goal is to see a world without borders or boundaries? The more I study progressives, the more I see that they have one goal, and that every action they take is an end to those means. The hardcore left is not ignorant of what Islam stands for. Sure, there are some ignorant college kids, or general wishy washy buffoons like Alan Colmes who think that the world should be hunky dory and that peace and love is the true goal of a liberal. But anyone with some common sense can see through that. The goal of a progressive is to control others, demolish the United States, and to promote their agenda throughout the world; ending up in one-world ideology.

So this story really got me thinking; liberals will ignore heartbreaking stories of a young 29 year old man who has been clearly abused for almost his entire life if it serves their purpose. Liberals will jump on any type of scandal, no matter how small, if it involves the church. They don't believe in either set of beliefs, but the ends justify the means. In general, Christians believe in freedom. They believe in the United States. The world of Islam does not. Yes, I believe there are good Muslims, and I am well aware that to someone reading this I sound as if I am a fanatic. But as I've posted before, I truly believe that the religion of Islam calls for the destruction of all non believers and non believing nations. Muslims who deny that have either rejected that point, are unaware of it, or are lying.

And so I come back to my point, that every action a progressive takes, is truly an action toward the same overall goal. Look at the screaming the libs have done over the new Arizona law, (a law most of them have not even taken the time to have read.) What does a border have to do with the consistent attack on Christianity? Both things, if the libs and progressives have it their way, will harm this country. Now, the libs want to tax the American people more, another thing that will harm the average American.

Progressives wish to see the destruction of the United States, and to control the people. There is only one type of power they despise, and that is the power of our country. Other than that, they want it all.

Well, except for going nuclear.

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