Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Islam: What The West Needs to Know"....a chilling documentary

I just finished watching the documentary "Islam: What the West Needs To Know." It was refreshing to watch something on this topic that wasn't politically correct and full of defensive American Muslims whining about how they get checked at airports.

The film isn't full of video footage or sound bites, music, or flashy effects, (though there is some limited video footage.) It's interview driven, with numerous interesting experts from the world of academia. You certainly have to be in the mood to learn something, not to watch "The Simpsons" or one of the "Bourne Identity" movies for the fifteenth time this week on TNT. I'm sure the average liberal or progressive will see the title of this and simply refuse to watch it on principle, assuming that it's a KKK production or something, then go on to badmouth it. The fact of the matter is, that two of the experts interviewed are Arabs and former Muslims, one of which is a former member of the PLO.

Now, as I sit here and type, I wish I had taken notes as I watched. (Anyone about to watch it for academic purposes would definitely want to do so - LOTS of information thrown out there.) It would be impossible for me to mention every point the film touches upon, yet that would take away the point of you watching it anyway. The thesis however, is basically this: Islam is a religion of peace, BUT ONLY by it's own definition. Islam is more than a religion; it is a way to govern people. Islam condones violence, and excuses lying if it is for the greater good of Islam. More than anything else stressed in the film, the West simply doesn't understand Islam and cannot speak out against it's goals, a fact most Muslims exploit by being extremely aware of our nation's great fear of being called racist.

The documentary opened up by showing Presidents Bush and Clinton, and Prime Minister Blair, all falling over themselves about how Islam is a peaceful religion. It struck me how weak we must look as we constantly pander to these people. Robert Spencer, who runs explained, that Islam is a religion of peace only in the sense that BY WAR AND CONVERSION peace may be achieved. Walid Shoebat, the former PLO member explained how Muslims are commanded to lie if it is protecting Islam. So how many Muslims lie on a daily basis about the intent of their religion?

The film shows plenty of verses from the Koran to back all these things up. They also explain that the Koran is not chronological. It is set up from biggest book to smallest book. That being said, some of the smaller books at the end which do mention peaceful things, are actually changed into more violent verses. These verses just appear earlier in the Koran, and to your average westerner, they figure the "older" verses in the beginning, are changed by the "newer" verses at the end of the book.

Make no mistake, I by no means think all Muslims are bad or violent. I believe many of them have rejected it or, like many "Christians" who haven't taken communion in ages or are unaware of much of the Bible, simply don't understand their religion. I also don't pretend to be an expert because I've watched an hour and a half long documentary. Much more research would be necessary in order for me to proclaim that. Still, I can't help but think that this film had some excellent points which the mainstream media is terrified to look deeper into. It really makes me think that the liberals and progressive are much more afraid of Islam than us "right wing, islamophobics" are. After all, who's the bigger wuss on the playground, the bully's sidekick, or the kid who calls him out for being a cowardly bully?

The film closed out with Walid Shoebat summarizing what the West doesn't understand.

"What the west needs to understand about Islam, is that Islam has the potential, of replacing the dangers that we just, kind of, did away with, nazism and communism. Like nazism and like communism, Islamism - the end justifies the means. There is no respect for national borders, and the whole ideology is to promote their way of thinking, to promote their way of life, throughout the entire world. That's what's being taught in the middle east. That's what's coming out of Saudia Arabia and all throughout the Muslim world. They will conquer, and will continue to conquer, until it triumphs, until everybody in the world says there's no God but allah and Muhammad is his prophet."

I will say this. This film makes me want to learn more about Islam, perhaps even pick up a Koran and read it, and do everything possible to NOT let the American muslims erect a mosque on the sacred ground of Ground Zero.

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