First of all, it will be impossible for him to take a strong stance against Obamacare considering his Romneycare is almost as much of a joke. He also has not been a consistent conservative over the years, which November showed us is what most Americans want.
But for the most part, he isn't cool enough. That's right, he isn't cool enough. That being said, neither is Huckabee who comes off as the perfect guy to fill the role of a dorky parent showing up at a high school embarrassing their child. He should stick to playing guitar on his Fox News show. Palin is no real candidate either as she consistently seems to lack a true message. She is good at shallow speeches about freedom and such but hasn't provided any real answers for anything. One of the coolest moments I've personally had was rendering a salute to John McCain. However, he's transparently wishy-washy about his true values, old, and not nearly the politician that he was Naval Officer. Besides, the man already lost once! Gingrich may have a chance, but he's hurt his chances by his personal life choices in the past. Brett Favre said he may run but he hasn't given a decision yet. Hopefully he won't run because it would be embarrassing to America for text-pics of...The President...to get out.
Mike Pence and Chris Christie, perhaps the best two out there have announced that they don't want it. That alone may make them the best for the job.
And there you have it. Republicans sense of complacency about 2012 is getting dangerous. The Dems certainly are much better politicians than the Republicans, which is no coincidence after all, considering their lust for power. However, in this day and age Republicans must learn to think politically.
We need to learn to do what the Donkeys in 2008 did. We need to find a good looking cool guy. Except, when we find that person, they need to have a plan and some sense of patriotism. I'm not getting my hopes up though.
I want to like Romney as a candidate. But, the elephant in the room is RomneyCare. He can't get over the fact that he must have thought it was a good idea. A closet socialist is not going to do. More and more to me it is looking like Newt is the man who can rip the amateur to shreds. The Republicans must be able to say exactly what Obama is in a forceful, straight forward and direct way.
ReplyDeleteRight. We need a candidate who can champion his past decisions, not awkwardly defend bad ones like Romneycare.