Sunday, November 7, 2010

No doubt I'll be called a racist...but I'm not a Democrat so I'm used to it

The second line in the song from this video is "All the wars that were won or lost somehow don't seem to matter very much anymore."

In this video the Anglican bishop says "We've emphasized multiculturalism to the point of losing our own roots."

Now that everyone thinks I'm racist, or that I hate anyone who isn't white, I'll explain where I stand. This nation is a nation of immigrants - (beat you to it liberals...don't you realize I know all your go-to lines?)

You can rely on the left in this country to use something such as immigration to destroy one's own country. Look at England. It's sad really, to consider what they once were and what they are now. When immigrants come to a country they must accept that they will take on that country's identity. It shouldn't be the other way around. Of course ethnic groups will remember their roots, but when an immigrant moves to England or America, they must strive to become English or American.

We should learn a lesson from what's happened in Europe. We are but an extension and a much improved version of it. While the left continues to ignore the peoples' cry down in the border states, refuses to do anything about illegal aliens, and encourages groups like La Raza to talk about how one day they will steal the power from the white man and run this country, our nation loses it's identity.

We must enforce legal immigration, and we must control and limit it. I am not calling for a closing of our borders. I am calling for a controlled and regulated inflow whether it be Europeans, Hispanics, or people from the Muslim world.

Of course, once a citizen a person has the right to free speech and to take to the street holding a heinous sign saying something like "Behead those who insult Islam." Logic tells me that we should be pretty careful about who we grant citizenship then huh? Call it profiling, call it what you will. There is one group who has a fixation with beheading people, cursing The Queen, and threatening "real" holocausts. Try to figure out who I'm talking about.

Let's make sure that all the wars that have been won or lost do matter.

1 comment:

  1. RACIST!

    Haha, just kidding. I agree. I don't think this is the type of problem that can best be solved with government (entirely). I feel like there needs to be involvement on a state and local level to reach out to these communities. I think the key is education...
