Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I can handle a crackhead stealing my bike...I'm having trouble handling the liberals stealing my country though

On Monday afternoon I enjoyed the relatively cool day, (it was in the 80's and not the high 90's) and rode around the neighborhood on my bike. I came back to my apartment, hopped off my bike, and left it unlocked right in front of my door. Now if it's daytime I don't worry about my bike sitting there. I can it see while sitting on the couch. I'll keep it there so if I want to use it again I don't have to mess with taking it out of my apartment again. Once it gets dark I bring it inside so it doesn't get stolen. Yet on Monday I forgot all about it. I sat on the couch watching the tube, got tired, and went to bed. When I came downstairs yesterday morning the bike was gone.

The thief didn't have to break in, didn't have to attack me or use any type of violence or destruction whatsoever. I was more angry with myself than I was with the thief. After all, everybody knows that bikes are one of those things which people love to steal. Everybody knows that in a perfect world people wouldn't steal, but that we live in this world. Everybody knows what thieves do, they steal. It was my responsibility to keep my bike secure. Obviously I failed to do so, and now I'm without a bike.

Yesterday the council in NYC voted to allow a mosque to be built on the sacred ground of ground zero. This is troubling, for I understand what the intentions of these muslims are. Muammar al-Gadaffi, a Muslim from Libya has been quoted as saying There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without swords, without guns, without conquest. We don't need terrorists. We don't need homicide bombers. The fifty plus million muslims (in Europe) will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades." Are we the next target? I am not advocating that we ban them from migrating here. I do believe we must be vigilant though. Clearly, this is a victory for Islam, and a defeat to the United States. We have allowed a group which has vowed to take over the world, to build a monument to themselves on a site which claimed almost 3,000 American lives.

So, just as I was more disgusted with myself for leaving my bike out to be taken than I was with whatever dirtbag junkie who stole it, I am more disgusted with America for putting up a white flag than I am with a known enemy.

I am not as involved with the Church as I used to be, and my relationship with God probably leaves something to be desired. However, I can't help but feel that our country needs to be prayed for. I can't imagine what the families of the 9/11 victims are feeling, but I do know how I felt yesterday. I felt righteous anger, and extreme sorrow. I hope this country stays great, yet I can not help but feel that there are dark clouds on the horizon. We have sworn enemies around the world which we refuse to do anything about and simply try to appease. We allow hard working individualists to be victimized while we reward those who are weak. We fight a war in Afghanistan in which we tell the enemy when we are leaving, making us a bad ally to those fighting with us over there. We have borders which are barely existent, which are necessary by very definition for a state to exist. Now, we allow the liberals and progressives to raise a white flag on our very own soil.

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